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The mission is to try as much as possible to implement all types of charitable programs and projects, and to provide tremendous work for the benefit of the needy individuals , regardless of tribal affiliations, with all efficiency and effectiveness.
The vision of the foundation is to be among the most outsanding foundations nationally and internationally, and to largely participate in everything that serves humanity in general and Muslims in particular, and to have a tangible contribution to building a good society.
Intervention Areas
1- Instilling a spirit of love and constructive cooperation based on righteousness
and piety in the society.
2- Making the society a cooperative society and trying to implement the saying of the Prophet (The example of the believers in their mutual love and compassion is like a single body, and if it complains of a sickness, the rest of the body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever)
3- Helping the underprivilege individuals in any kind or cash.
4- Making the community truly understand the meaning of good character and bad character
5- Making all charitable works and humanitarian services inclusive.
6- Extreme interest in fighting ignorance, spreading knowledge, and trying to eradicate illiteracy as much as possible, no matter the cost
2- Making the society a cooperative society and trying to implement the saying of the Prophet (The example of the believers in their mutual love and compassion is like a single body, and if it complains of a sickness, the rest of the body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever)
3- Helping the underprivilege individuals in any kind or cash.
4- Making the community truly understand the meaning of good character and bad character
5- Making all charitable works and humanitarian services inclusive.
6- Extreme interest in fighting ignorance, spreading knowledge, and trying to eradicate illiteracy as much as possible, no matter the cost