
The Education Sector

The Foundation attaches great importance to education as it oversees  two secondary schools in The Gambia.  

The Foundation pays special attention to education as it oversees two  secondary schools in The Gambia.  

First: Nurudeen Islamic School located in Latrikunda Sabji – Gambia,  and was established in 1996. It has all the following academic levels;  Nursery – Primary – Junior – Secondary school. 

Since its inception, nineteen batches have graduated, and the number  of graduates is more than five hundred students, and the school  currently includes more than a thousand students and thirty teachers.

Inside the Quba Mosque after its renovation in 2023

Sheikh Mustafa Mohammed Lowe Islamic Institute  located in Sinchu Alagie Gambia, and was established after  the departure of the founder next to his Lord in 2003 and  this institute also includes all the basic academic levels. The number of batches since its establishment is nine  batches with graduates amounting to four hundred and  seventy-four graduates.  

The institute currently serves more than a thousand  students with the help of fifty-nine teachers.

Main Gate of Sheikh Mustafa Mohamed Lowe Islamic Institute
administrative building at Mahad built by the current president
Some classes of sheikh Mustafa Mohamed Lowe Institute
Office of the President of the Foundation at the Sheikh Mustafa Mohamed Lowe Islamic Institute
Guest reception area in the office of the President of the Foundation
G12 students at Mahad for the year 2023
Sheikh Abdullah Al_Ansari Mosque at the Mahad after its renovation under the auspices of the President of the Foundation

In the Foundation’s endeavour to develop the Education  Department, the Foundation during the year 2020 until 2023 has  achieved many tremendous things in the education field, and the  achievements include the following:  

Firstly: Formation of the Curriculum and Courses Preparation  Committee  

When the Foundation learned that the educational issue with its  systems and curricula is human jurisprudence, which may be  reconsidered, it reconsidered its educational curricula, so it formed  the Curriculum Committee, and this committee began its work on  Monday, June 26, 2021, the committee consisted of ten members  from different disciplines who began their work by reviewing the  curriculum and the Secretariat’s curriculum in accordance with its  standards until the end of writing the courses was reached on  September 26, 2022. 

After the success of the project to review and develop the  educational curriculum, the Foundation formed a committee to  supervise the secondary certificate exams for all schools of the  Foundation,The first batch of the Foundation after unifying its  curricula and exams was in 2022, as the number of graduates was  125 students.  

And this followed by the second batch in 2023, which has 123  graduates.

The foundation's president giving his remarks in the graduation ceremony
A representative of PTA of the foundation
Meeting of the exam council for 2022 Examinations
Members of the Exam council receiving their Allowance
Lunching of the text-books, presenting them to teachers

Secondly:  Workshops and Training Courses  

The Foundation has provided training programs for school  administrations and heads of school departments.  

The Foundation provided training programs for various teachers, and  its first training was on 01-10-2023 for two days in the field of  planning and lesson preparation, classroom management, qualities  of a successful teacher, and leadership skills. 

The Foundation organized another workshop on 16-09-2023, which  was for school administrations, and heads of committees, The  workshop focused on important topics, including:

1- Principles of financial management of schools 

2- Elements of school administration  

3- School Development Plan  

4 -The role of educational departments and committees in the  development of the school 

Participation of the first workshop in year 2021
Opening of the second workshop in year 2023
The second day of the second workshop
The moment of receiving the certificates in the second workshop in 2023

Thirdly: Participation in national exams and excellence in them  

The foundation has become the focus of attention of the State of The  Gambia in its excellence in national examinations,  

In coordination with the General Secretariat of Arab-Islamic Education  in The Gambia, and in continuous cooperation between it and all  heads of educational departments and specialized committees in the  foundation, the foundation has obtained many positions at national  level which includes; 

– Second position at National level in the preparatory certificate exams  of the General Secretariat for the academic year 2016/2017. 

– Second position at the National level in the preparatory certificate  exams of the General Secretariat for the academic year 2019/2020. 

– First and second position in the primary certificate exams for the  academic year 2021-2023 

– First position at National level in the preparatory certificate exams  for the academic year 2020-2021  

This is in addition to other excellence in colleges and universities  inside and outside the country.